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DUI arrests are on the rise, with law enforcement looking for telltale signs of motorists being impaired behind the wheel. If you have been charged with a DUI, a previous conviction may increase the fine imposed, jail time, and length of your license suspension if convicted. A previous conviction is...

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If you have been charged with assault, you may feel that your situation is hopeless. Many people who are charged with a crime believe that they are destined to spend years in prison. It is important to know that being charged with a criminal offense does not automatically equate to...

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In a recent year, over 36,000 aggravated assaults were reported to the authorities in the state of Tennessee. Assault is a growing concern in The Volunteer State, with legislation imposing harsh penalties for offenders. If you intentionally cause another person bodily harm or place an individual in fear of harm,...

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Navigating the labyrinthine corridors of the legal system can be daunting, especially when faced with grave allegations such as domestic violence. For residents of Tennessee, understanding the nuances of state law and its implications is crucial. This post will shed light on what Tennessee law says about domestic violence and...

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If you’re facing a domestic violence charge, you undoubtedly have a lot of questions about what comes next, including what kind of evidence could potentially be used against you. An experienced Nashville domestic violence defense attorney is standing by to answer all your questions – in addition to building your...

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The U.S. Constitution protects agains ‘unreasonable searches and seizures’ under the Fourth Amendment. This constitutional right legally requires the police to get an order from a judge to search an individual and their property lawfully and confiscate evidence connected to the alleged crime they’re investigating. The police are prohibited from...

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Depending on the specific circumstances surrounding the person’s drug offense, they may be eligible for alternative sentencing options or diversion programs in Nashville. These alternatives to incarceration include: Probation Recovery Courts Community Supervision Diversion Program The laws about these alternative sentencing options may be quite difficult for most people to...

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Facing DUI charges can be incredibly daunting, especially considering the severe consequences that come with a conviction. Whether you are a first-time offender, a legal professional, or a safety advocate, understanding how to build a solid defense against DUI charges is crucial. Understanding the Consequences of a DUI Conviction The...

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The key to defending yourself against drug possession charges in Nashville is having a successful defense strategy. Developing a strong defense strategy requires ample experience, resources, and knowledge, which only a reputable Nashville drug possession lawyer can provide. Drug offenses are the most aggressively and commonly prosecuted crimes in the...

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Understanding the intricacies of drug laws is crucial, especially when dealing with charges of possession of controlled substances. If you get busted with controlled substances in Tennessee, will you face jail time? Tennessee law says the repercussions could be increased based on the specific types of drugs that were found....

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If you’ve been charged with a crime, you likely know that you have rights, but you may not know what you can do to protect them during the investigation process. This is where having an experienced Nashville criminal defense attorney on your side comes in, and the sooner you reach...

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The State of Tennessee takes domestic violence very seriously, and if you’ve been falsely accused, you should, too. Domestic violence charges tend to arise out of highly charged situations, and false accusations are not unheard of. Just because the accusation was manufactured, however, doesn’t mean that it can’t lead to...

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If you’re charged with a crime in the State of Tennessee – or any state throughout the nation – you have the right to legal counsel, and in some financial situations, you have the option of going with a public defender or hiring a private attorney. Understanding the differences between...

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If you are facing criminal charges, you might be wondering how a judge determines your punishment. A misdemeanor carries a maximum sentence of one year in prison, while a felony carries a minimum sentence of one year. This applies to both federal and state laws. If you are found guilty...

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In the Volunteer State, one in three crashes is attributed to a driver operating under the influence. The state punishes offenders harshly, with mandatory imprisonment, hefty fines, and even revocation of license privileges. In Tennessee, even first-time DUI offenders will have their license revoked. If you have been charged with...

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Gathering sufficient evidence is key to building a strong defense. Whether it is fingerprint evidence, DNA, or a blood-stained gown, persuasive evidence can establish probable cause that you committed a crime, while other evidence can exonerate you of guilt. While some evidence is tangible, other evidence needs to be collected...

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Feeling unsafe is an emotion that many of us can relate to, but few of us want to experience. Understandably, the law harshly penalizes those found guilty of harassment through imprisonment and steep fines. What you may not know is that Tennessee law defines harassment broadly, not always making it...

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A DUI conviction comes with harsh penalties, including incarceration, steep fines, license revocation, and having to install an ignition interlock device in your vehicle. If you have been convicted of a DUI in Tennessee, you will be required to take a DUI class if you wish to have your license...

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Tennessee ranks high on the list of drunk driving cases, with 26.75 percent of traffic fatalities caused by intoxicated drivers. Understandably, the Tennessee legislature imposes harsh punishments for those driving under the influence. If you have prior convictions, mandatory jail time and fines increase, along with other driving-related penalties. If...

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Each state imposes different punishments for driving under the influence, with Tennessee being known to impose harsh penalties for the crime. Tennessee law is complicated when it comes to determining penalties for a DUI offense, so you need to hire experienced counsel to explain your legal options. In this article,...

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Just as we classify jobs as being white-collar or blue-collar positions, the same applies to criminal offenses. Whereas white-collar crimes are associated with wealthier individuals, blue-collar crimes are most often associated with those in poverty. Although white-collar crimes are characterized as being non-violent, the penalties imposed are no less severe....

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Understanding punishments for criminal offenses can be complicated. While Tennessee law details specific penalties for crimes, many people remain confused regarding the difference between felonies and misdemeanors. The gravity of a crime will determine if you are charged with a felony or misdemeanor. Nevertheless, both felony and misdemeanors stay on...

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Alcohol-impaired driving is associated with an increase in injuries and fatalities. In a recent five-year period, Davidson County experienced 135 fatalities related to inebriated motorists. While most DUI offenses are considered misdemeanors, there are circumstances in which a driver may be charged with a felony DUI. If you have been...

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If you have committed a criminal offense, you may be worried about what effect it may have on your future. An arrest or charge will appear on a background check, which is conducted if you are looking to rent an apartment or applying for a job. A chance to erase...

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Under Tennessee law, all drug crimes are classified as felonies except for simple possession, which is different from possession with the intent to sell. For a first-time simple possession offense, it is usually a class A misdemeanor, regardless of the drug involved, including marijuana, which is still illegal in the...

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Yes. Domestic assault can be considered self-defense in domestic violence cases. While domestic violence, abuse, or assault is an immensely severe offense, in some instances, domestic assault victims may have no choice but to defend themselves. Fortunately, victims can raise the self-defense strategy in domestic abuse cases. This is especially...

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White-collar crimes refer to illegal, non-violent activities and schemes that individuals, businesses, or government organizations commit. At their core, they are crimes of cheating, lying, deceit, stealing, and concealment to gain or avoid losing money to obtain a business or personal advantage. These crimes are aggressively prosecuted by state and...

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Violent threats, even those carried out verbally, can seriously affect your mental health and life. When you feel threatened or unsafe, you may feel a range of emotions, from fear to anxiety and aggression or anger. When you or a loved one is being threatened, verbally or otherwise, you may...

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If you are under criminal investigation, you may instinctively want to hide or destroy any evidence that can incriminate you. It is human nature, and while understandable, our justice system does not go lightly upon those who are found guilty of tampering with evidence. Evidence tampering is a crime punishable...

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Under Tennessee law, fraud is any crime that involves intentional deception or misrepresentation for financial gain while depriving the victim of property or money. Fraud charges can be brought against you through federal or state law, normally being classified as a theft charge. Keep reading to learn what acts are...

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Probation is a form of alternative sentencing in which a convict can be released into the community and avoid spending time behind bars. Probation often comes with certain restrictions, like the prohibition on traveling outside of the state for the first 60 days. At the end of a sentencing hearing,...

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Tennessee takes drug crimes very seriously, and even those charges that are classified as misdemeanors can lead to serious consequences that can prove life-altering. If you’re facing a drug charge of any kind, you shouldn’t delay consulting with an experienced Nashville criminal defense attorney. Simple Possession Simple possession refers to...

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Both mail and wire fraud are federal offenses. They are both serious charges that carry serious penalties, but there are distinctions between the two that it’s useful to understand. If you’re facing a wire or mail fraud charge, it’s time to consult with a dedicated Nashville criminal defense attorney who...

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Child pornography charges are especially serious charges that carry very harsh penalties and life-altering social consequences, including required registration as a sex offender. If you’re in the difficult position of facing a child pornography charge, you shouldn’t wait to reach out to the legal counsel of an experienced Nashville criminal...

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Probation is a post-incarceration period during which individuals are closely monitored to ensure compliance with the terms set by the court. In Tennessee, violating the terms of your supervised release is a serious matter that can result in severe consequences, including returning to imprisonment. If accused of a violation, you...

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Aggravated assault is among the most severe offenses a person can commit in Tennessee. It involves a deliberate, knowing, or reckless attempt to inflict serious physical harm on another individual. Aggravated assault charges can potentially devastate your life, as a conviction can result in harsh penalties, including lengthy imprisonment, fines,...

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Self-defense is the right to use reasonable force to protect yourself when threatened with physical harm or death. In Tennessee, there are self-defense laws that aim to protect individuals from criminal convictions if they cause physical harm or death to a person when they are defending themselves. However, in some...

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Child abuse has devastating consequences that can impact a child’s physical, behavioral, emotional, and mental health for the rest of their lives. Child abuse can take many forms, including physical, sexual, emotional abuse, and neglect, and is commonly perpetrated by someone the child knows and trusts, often a parent or...

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Fraud refers to the act of depriving another individual or entity of their money, property, service, or other valuable security through fraudulent, false, or deceitful tactics. The court can charge you with fraud if you deliberately conceal or misrepresent the truth to deprive another individual or entity of valuable property...

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Expungement or expunction is a court-approved process in which the record or certain criminal cases can be destroyed or erased. This means that your acquittal, conviction, or dismissal will cease to exist. If approved, the state will remove your criminal record from all relevant sources. However, not all criminal records...

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In Tennessee, police officers can take away your driver’s license if it has been suspended, revoked, or canceled. If you have a canceled, revoked, or suspended driver’s license, you are legally required to immediately surrender to the Commissioner of Safety your driver’s license and surrender to the Commissioner of Revenue...

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If you’re facing criminal charges, you’re probably wondering what you’re up against and how your case will be handled by the criminal justice process in Tennessee. If you have yet to discuss your case with our Nashville criminal defense attorney for more detailed information about your situation, here’s an overview...

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You need a criminal defense attorney to ensure your legal rights are protected all throughout the criminal case and fight for your best interests if you’ve been arrested or charged with a criminal offense. When you’re facing a conviction, you’re also facing possible consequences that can negatively affect your freedom,...

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Is it really a crime to be intoxicated in public? Under Tennessee law, yes, it is. A person is publicly intoxicated when they are in any public location under the influence of alcohol or drugs to the level that they might: Harm themselves; Harm other people around them or property;...

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The short answer to this question is, it depends. How long it will take to resolve your criminal case will depend on various factors, primarily including: The complexity and specific facts of your case. The time needed to investigate your case and gather supporting evidence. Whether a favorable plea deal...

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Each state has its own criminal statutes and offenses, but did you know the federal government also has a separate set of criminal laws? When someone is facing federal charges, their case takes place in federal court and must adhere to federal court procedures, sentencing guidelines, and other specific legal...

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With all of the different information swirling around about lie detectors, one may wonder how effective they actually are. Can law enforcement really use lie detectors to discern whether or not someone is telling the truth? Not everything you’ve heard about lie detectors is a fact, which is why the...

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Driving under the influence (DUI) is a serious offense in Tennessee that can have long-lasting consequences. Understanding the state’s DUI laws is crucial for anyone who may find themselves facing such charges. Tennessee has strict regulations in place to deter drunk driving and protect public safety.  The professionals at Andrew...

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The consequences of getting convicted of an assault go beyond the courtroom, fines, or a jail sentence. Assault charges have lasting and profound effects, affecting many areas of your life, including your professional career and personal interactions. An assault can be described as a criminal act that involves causing physical...

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If you are the victim of Domestic Violence (DV) in Tennessee, restraining orders are one of the best ways to protect yourself from further danger. The law offices of Andrew Beasley are here to guide you through this difficult time and ensure your safety throughout the entire process. Whether you’ve...

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When facing false accusations or allegations of assault in the vibrant city of music, it is imperative to secure the assistance of a reputable criminal defense attorney. Before you contact the seasoned legal team at the law firm of Andrew Beasley, it is crucial to equip yourself with a fundamental...

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We see it all too often in television shows and movies—sexual assault can happen to anyone, anywhere, at any time. So, too, can legal charges of various types of sex crimes. If you have been accused of sexual assault, finding a criminal defense attorney that specializes in this type of...

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The global cannabis market size hit 28.266 billion dollars in 2021 and is projected to increase to 197 billion by 2028. Weed, mary jane, bud, ganja, pot, grass—whatever you choose to call marijuana (Cannabis sativa), this small but mighty plant is making headlines throughout the United States. More and more...

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When faced with criminal charges, you have many significant choices to make—whether you should plead guilty or not or accept a penalty suggested by the court. Making these decisions can be nerve-wracking, especially if this is your first time in a courtroom or in front of a judge. As stated...

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If you have a court appearance coming up and have only seen a court hearing on television, you likely have questions regarding rules of behavior and etiquette. In simple terms, courtroom etiquette refers to the rules of proper conduct—items you can and cannot bring, how you should dress, and how...

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Being charged with a crime is a frightening thought—opening the door for potential jail time. Similarly, even if you are not convicted of the crime, it can affect your reputation, damage your character, and jeopardize your future. Finding a qualified criminal defense attorney, like Andrew Beasley, who will best defend...

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Tennessee criminal codes and regulations can be difficult to understand when dealing with the legal system. Whether you’re a first offender or have visited the courtroom a handful of times, breaking the law isn’t something to take lightly. One of the things a majority of the public remains confused about...

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In the state of Tennessee, we treat court orders and probationary periods with utmost seriousness. Whether it’s minor traffic infractions or more serious criminal offenses, the Tennessee court system does not tolerate any disregard for the law. If you find yourself facing an arrest warrant, it’s essential that you fully...

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Life can be messy. Domestic partnerships, informal roommate situations, and other uncomfortable arrangements can leave us feeling exposed without a remedy under the law. To complicate matters, we’re not always on our best behavior when emotions run hot. Children, codependency, and romantic entanglements can cause us to take leave of...

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In Tennessee, if a person claims that you have abused, sexually assaulted, or stalked them, they may petition the court for an order of protection. The order would effectively restrict you from engaging in certain conduct if granted. But can an order of protection be issued against you without your knowledge?...

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Drug trafficking is very serious. Depending on where or how the offense occurs, it can be charged as a state or federal crime. In either case, it is always a felony, which means if you’re convicted, you could spend years to life in prison. What Is Drug Trafficking? Generally defined,...

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